Tuesday, June 3, 2008

In The End...

At the end of the day what do we learn? We learn to care, we learn to love, we learn to let go, we learn kindness, we learn gratitude, we learn friendship. At the end of anything, look back and see what exactly you have learned.

Looking back on the past few years I have learned to let go of those I cared about, I have learned that the best solution for everyone might not be the best solution for me, I have learned to be a friend to those who might not like me, I have learned to put others before myself. Looking back from who I am today I have realized that I am not the same person I was back then. I use to be caring for certain individuals but then I let others come between my feelings and made me choose, I chose what I thought would make everyone happy but ended up making me feel horrible and hurting those I did not want to.

Looking back I could not figure out everything that had changed but I know this is who I am today. I am a girl, average height, blue eyes, brown hair. I love shopping and going to the movies with my friends. I love going out to the clubs and letting loose once in a while. I enjoy going out with friends to bars just to relax and catch up. I am the biggest prep you would ever meet, with a completely opposite characteristics that fits for who I am. I am a nerd and completely addicted to World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. I love playing Playstation, Xbox and Wii games and enjoy getting together with friends and having game nights. I cannot wait for Warhammer Online to come out. I have a romantic side, which includes having a guy who loves me for who I am on the inside as much as the outside. I love being spoiled and enjoy being taken out by my guy and having him show me off to all his friends. I love cuddles and those lazy days where you just want to lay in bed cuddling and kissing all day and not move. I love going for runs and being physically active. I love texting and talking on my phone, keeping in touch with all my friends and finding out what is new. I love traveling the world and going to new places. I love traveling locally just to meet new friends and make new memories along the way.

In the end I am a person who has been through trials and still am going through them. Nothing can be simply fixed by saying your sorry, but if you work hard enough for it one day it might just be yours again. So instead of looking back at the positive, look at the negative and learn from your mistakes. Do not just sit their and wish that it could all go back to the way you remember, because you will not get results. In the end all their will be is you and and many paths to follow, which one you choose to go down is up to you. Do not choose in a hurry, take a moment and look back on the experiences you have had and learn from them.

In the end you have the power to shape a new future, do not let it be shaped for you. Choose your own path and great things will follow.

xox Jaeyde

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