Tuesday, July 15, 2008


What do you do when you think everything is perfect but it isn't? Can you just hide from it and pretend everything is ok, hoping that things will eventually work themselves out? When do you realize that everything you are fighting for is slowly slipping away, never to return again...

I have recently come down from this illusion I was living only to see how much of a mess I have made things. The truth is I am in love with a boy who's two loves are video games and myself. There have been many occasions in the past where I have felt like all he cares about are his video games when that was not true at all, I was just too much of a bitch to open my eyes and see the whole picture. How can someone salvage something like this? After this much damage if the love is still their can they still show the world the meaning of true love?

My true love is out their, waiting for me to change back into who I was before my transformation and for him I am going to do everything I possibly can to bring the me he first met and fell in love with back. This is my promise to you., 2 weeks is all I am asking for, give me one last chance to be the girl you fell in love with the first time. If in 2 weeks I have not fufilled this promise I will leave the choice up to you, once and for all what you want to do.

I love you.

xox Jaeyde

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