Friday, May 23, 2008

Boys + Lies Does Not = Happily Ever After

As a teenager in high school you go through the typical teenage drama, girl likes boy, boy lies to girl to get in her pants, girl is heartbroken. Why is it that this childish behavior appears to continue even after you are out of high school?

"After a while we learn the difference between holding a hand and falling in love. We learn that kisses don’t always mean something, promises can be broken just as quickly as they were made and sometimes goodbyes really are forever."
I found this quote 8 years ago, and no matter who I meet or who I know it still rings true to this day. About 8 months ago I met a boy, he was nice, charming, funny and seemed to actually care for me. We talked everyday and eventually I fell for him, pretty hard. My only mistake, giving him my heart. At the end, all I was left with is a shattered heart and a lot of wasted tears crying over someone who went from being madly in love with me one day, and telling another girl he loves her the very next. It has been extremely hard for me to accept this and I am not saying I'm still not hurt. I will be hurting for a while, but I can't focus on the negative. Honestly, if a guy is gonna lie to you fuck them! If they can't be honest with you then there is no future and no trust. A relationship without trust doesn't work, and never will.

You think I would have learned this by now, but here I am 8 years later and I am still finding the wrong kind of guy. The 1st time, the guy liked me but fucked off with my best friend. The 2nd time, I found a prince who has a psycho ex stalking him and causing drama all the time. The 3rd time, he moved away for a girl then told me he loved me and moved back for me only to end up dating a clingy bitchy Barbie doll. The 4th time, a teenage crush randomly admitted he is in love with me after not talking to me for over a year. The 5th time, I fell for someone who didn't care enough to try and make things work. The 6th time, I fell for someone who lives over 5000 miles away but I screwed up and I will do anything and everything to get him back...and I mean "EVERYTHING!!!". I am sure you get the picture by now.

The funny thing is, after all of this I still like someone. My only problem now, he is over 5000 miles away and doesn't know it. I am shy when I really like someone because I don't want to do anything that will ruin what could be. I will be the first to admit I cannot do long distance relationships well. When I am having a bad day I need someone I can run to and have them hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok. For this guy though, I am willing to try and take a risk. It will be something new and hard and scary at times, but I believe if you truly like someone and they like you just as much, you can make it work.

Relationships are hard, even without guys saying one thing and doing another. Boys + Lies will never get you your prince charming. When you do find your happily ever after there will be no lies, no secrets, lots of trust and a lifetime of happiness to follow.

xox Jaeyde

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