Saturday, November 8, 2008


So as I am sure most normal people in the world have heard of the book series called Twilight. Well they are making a movie and it is being released on November 21, 2008!!!!! Check out the sexy trailer below.

Also the theme song of the movies has been done by Paramore, the song is called Decode. Check out the official movie music video below.

xox Jaeyde

PS - EDWARD CULLEN IS MINE!!!!!!!!! (AKA Robert Pattinson)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Most horrible thing to ever happen!!! A Coach store has opened up in the mall where I am a everyday I have to walk by this store from heaven and look at all the amazing bags and I am trying so hard not to spend all my money on these bags of hundreds of dollars so I have decided to register at Coach. If you are in the generous mood please donate to my addictions so I can become normal once again.

xox Jaeyde

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


What do you do when you think everything is perfect but it isn't? Can you just hide from it and pretend everything is ok, hoping that things will eventually work themselves out? When do you realize that everything you are fighting for is slowly slipping away, never to return again...

I have recently come down from this illusion I was living only to see how much of a mess I have made things. The truth is I am in love with a boy who's two loves are video games and myself. There have been many occasions in the past where I have felt like all he cares about are his video games when that was not true at all, I was just too much of a bitch to open my eyes and see the whole picture. How can someone salvage something like this? After this much damage if the love is still their can they still show the world the meaning of true love?

My true love is out their, waiting for me to change back into who I was before my transformation and for him I am going to do everything I possibly can to bring the me he first met and fell in love with back. This is my promise to you., 2 weeks is all I am asking for, give me one last chance to be the girl you fell in love with the first time. If in 2 weeks I have not fufilled this promise I will leave the choice up to you, once and for all what you want to do.

I love you.

xox Jaeyde

Monday, June 23, 2008


When you get everything you want out of life what is the next step? Where do you go when you are happy and everything is perfect, sitting around not wanting anything to change. Most are to scared to try anything new or go try something because they don't want to lose their perfect life. How do you really know when everything you have is in front of you is true and isn't just a cover?

xox Jaeyde

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

In The End...

At the end of the day what do we learn? We learn to care, we learn to love, we learn to let go, we learn kindness, we learn gratitude, we learn friendship. At the end of anything, look back and see what exactly you have learned.

Looking back on the past few years I have learned to let go of those I cared about, I have learned that the best solution for everyone might not be the best solution for me, I have learned to be a friend to those who might not like me, I have learned to put others before myself. Looking back from who I am today I have realized that I am not the same person I was back then. I use to be caring for certain individuals but then I let others come between my feelings and made me choose, I chose what I thought would make everyone happy but ended up making me feel horrible and hurting those I did not want to.

Looking back I could not figure out everything that had changed but I know this is who I am today. I am a girl, average height, blue eyes, brown hair. I love shopping and going to the movies with my friends. I love going out to the clubs and letting loose once in a while. I enjoy going out with friends to bars just to relax and catch up. I am the biggest prep you would ever meet, with a completely opposite characteristics that fits for who I am. I am a nerd and completely addicted to World of Warcraft and Guild Wars. I love playing Playstation, Xbox and Wii games and enjoy getting together with friends and having game nights. I cannot wait for Warhammer Online to come out. I have a romantic side, which includes having a guy who loves me for who I am on the inside as much as the outside. I love being spoiled and enjoy being taken out by my guy and having him show me off to all his friends. I love cuddles and those lazy days where you just want to lay in bed cuddling and kissing all day and not move. I love going for runs and being physically active. I love texting and talking on my phone, keeping in touch with all my friends and finding out what is new. I love traveling the world and going to new places. I love traveling locally just to meet new friends and make new memories along the way.

In the end I am a person who has been through trials and still am going through them. Nothing can be simply fixed by saying your sorry, but if you work hard enough for it one day it might just be yours again. So instead of looking back at the positive, look at the negative and learn from your mistakes. Do not just sit their and wish that it could all go back to the way you remember, because you will not get results. In the end all their will be is you and and many paths to follow, which one you choose to go down is up to you. Do not choose in a hurry, take a moment and look back on the experiences you have had and learn from them.

In the end you have the power to shape a new future, do not let it be shaped for you. Choose your own path and great things will follow.

xox Jaeyde

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

All About A Boy

So their is this boy, and I am pretty sure I love him. He is hot, funny, knows how to makes me smiles and gives me butterflies every time I talk to him. He is basically my prince charming and I want him here with me to cuddle me and hold me close, to kiss me in the rain and walk hand in hand down the street. I want him to pick me up and tickle me until I can't take it anymore. He has me tell him stories and I wish some of them would come true in real life. I would move to the end of the world for him. I want to be able to take those trips of a lifetime not with friends, but with someone I love and who loves me back.

Love is truly something you find and I believe I have found my definition of love.

xox Jaeyde

To Take or To Let Go

When does one realize that their is no future? I have been holding onto someone for quite some time now but I do not know anymore if it is worth it, or if it will even go somewhere. I am getting all these signs that it will but the more I think about it and what has happened over the past few months the more I doubt that it will.

When is the right time to let go of your happily ever after and how long do you fight until their is no hope left. A new beginning is needed and a fresh start, somewhere where people do not know you or your past. Your past will always be their but it does not have to haunt you. Accept that it is over or fight until you lose faith. I have not lost faith and I will fight until I have won or until that faith is taken from me and I have none left.

xox Jaeyde

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A New Beginning

Sometimes to find out what went wrong you need to not look at what happened but look at yourself and see how you have changed. I didn't believe that I had changed until the majority of my friends all told me I was somehow different. Sometimes to find out what needs fixing you need to look at yourself and fix yourself before you can fix your life with others.

xox Jaeyde

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Perfect Shoes...

Every girl knows, when she needs something to go with a new outfit she will not rest until she finds that item. In my case, I got slightly side tracked. Intending to buy only shoes I ended up buying some shirts and shorts, and checking out the eye candy of course. Shopping is for sure my anti-stress. It helps me take my mind off of reality for a few hours and allows me to relax and enjoy myself. And of course, I found my perfect shoes.

xox Jaeyde

Boys + Lies Does Not = Happily Ever After

As a teenager in high school you go through the typical teenage drama, girl likes boy, boy lies to girl to get in her pants, girl is heartbroken. Why is it that this childish behavior appears to continue even after you are out of high school?

"After a while we learn the difference between holding a hand and falling in love. We learn that kisses don’t always mean something, promises can be broken just as quickly as they were made and sometimes goodbyes really are forever."
I found this quote 8 years ago, and no matter who I meet or who I know it still rings true to this day. About 8 months ago I met a boy, he was nice, charming, funny and seemed to actually care for me. We talked everyday and eventually I fell for him, pretty hard. My only mistake, giving him my heart. At the end, all I was left with is a shattered heart and a lot of wasted tears crying over someone who went from being madly in love with me one day, and telling another girl he loves her the very next. It has been extremely hard for me to accept this and I am not saying I'm still not hurt. I will be hurting for a while, but I can't focus on the negative. Honestly, if a guy is gonna lie to you fuck them! If they can't be honest with you then there is no future and no trust. A relationship without trust doesn't work, and never will.

You think I would have learned this by now, but here I am 8 years later and I am still finding the wrong kind of guy. The 1st time, the guy liked me but fucked off with my best friend. The 2nd time, I found a prince who has a psycho ex stalking him and causing drama all the time. The 3rd time, he moved away for a girl then told me he loved me and moved back for me only to end up dating a clingy bitchy Barbie doll. The 4th time, a teenage crush randomly admitted he is in love with me after not talking to me for over a year. The 5th time, I fell for someone who didn't care enough to try and make things work. The 6th time, I fell for someone who lives over 5000 miles away but I screwed up and I will do anything and everything to get him back...and I mean "EVERYTHING!!!". I am sure you get the picture by now.

The funny thing is, after all of this I still like someone. My only problem now, he is over 5000 miles away and doesn't know it. I am shy when I really like someone because I don't want to do anything that will ruin what could be. I will be the first to admit I cannot do long distance relationships well. When I am having a bad day I need someone I can run to and have them hold me and tell me everything is going to be ok. For this guy though, I am willing to try and take a risk. It will be something new and hard and scary at times, but I believe if you truly like someone and they like you just as much, you can make it work.

Relationships are hard, even without guys saying one thing and doing another. Boys + Lies will never get you your prince charming. When you do find your happily ever after there will be no lies, no secrets, lots of trust and a lifetime of happiness to follow.

xox Jaeyde